Learning On The Go

If you have been looking into language education recently, you will have heard this phrase. In fact, Learning On The Go is not a new concept, but modern technology and the rise of several large companies supporting it, has meant it has become bigger than ever.

In essence, learning on the go is all about flexible access to learning, no matter whether you are studying a language or a new software programme. For people learning language however, it is key in providing something close to an immersive learning experience when you do not live in a country that only speaks your target language.

The concept is supported by internet connectivity, mobile devices and an increasing array of applications. In previous posts we have looked at language learning apps (http://www.wirtschaftssprachen.de/the-top-3-language-learning-apps/) but learning on the go is about more than just logging in to an app and doing some exercises occasionally.

As more and more credible institutions put their course work online, flexible learning becomes a far greater reality. What this means is that you now have access to video tutorials, lessons on topic-specific modules, access tutoring support as well as links and downloads of study resources… all whenever and however you want them.

The last few years has seen education institutions offering degree programs fully online with mobile friendly resources. These are often accompanied by sophisticated applications that provide quality education options. These satisfy a variety of education needs including degree programs, developmental education programs, one-on-one tutoring and academic advising

But what does this mean for you? Like all pre-packaged and generalised learning programmes, On The Go Learning provides you with a predictable and measureable range of options to study anything. If your needs are more defined and specific than this, it supports whatever other learning you are using: creating a great range of practice and exercise resources. If you have opted for teacher based training, the on the go resources now available on line will give you so many ways to implement your learning, you will improve faster.

Wirtschaftssprachen Free Tip:

No matter what learning method you choose, it is wise to back it up with other resources. Learning a language requires practice and repetition. Even the best lesson will fail if you do not practice. So keep your eyes open for things to help you practice outside the classroom. We also offer online, digital learning as part of our packages.

Here at Wirtschaftssprachen Deutschland we understand the needs that companies face as well as the fears individual learners feel. This is why we offer flexible, fully customised Business language courses to businesses and individuals. Through a process of interviews and meetings we establish the unique needs and competence of our clients and design each and every course around those. To find out more about our Business Language courses, visit our website and ask us for a quote: www.wirtschaftssprachen.de/en/.

© Wirtschaftssprachen Deutschland OHG

By: David Chislett
Trainer Business English

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